Welcome to worship through First United Church!
There are so many ways to come close to the holy! We hope you make time regularly to refresh your spirit, learn some and commit some to being some of the visible presence of love in this world!
You can join us in the sanctuary in person each week or catch up with us on-line anytime. Worship is at 10:30 am, Sunday in person and live-streamed to You-Tube.  There are also a number of services and Godly Play stories already on line for you to check out. 
If you’re going to be traveling and want to check out other United Churches …
The United Church of Canada offers a map of all the UCC congregations across Canada who are on-line.
Thank you for making time to nurture your spirit and add to the goodness in Creation!
You can read over the print version for our Sunday services below.
Thank you for worshiping with us. If you’d like to know more about First United, you can call our office at 780-352-2157; check us out on Facebook at First United, Wetaskiwin or on this web page. Worship and Godly Play videos can also be found on our You-Tube channel (firstunitedwetaskiwin). 

First United Church is a  registered charitable organization. This ministry is made possible by the generous donations of people like you! Tax receipts are issued for all contributions to this ministry. Find out more on “Contact Us – Donate”
First United Church, Wetaskiwin – January 19, 2025
God calls us to create a community of faith where all are welcome and encouraged to participate fully: no matter where you’re from, when you were born, however you self-identify, whom you love,
or what you believe.
This service was live-streamed to You-Tube beginning with announcements at 10:20 am and worship at 10:30 am. Link is provided below.


First United Church is grounded on the traditional lands of the Nehiyawewin, people of the Sundance Culture in the Battle River watershed, which is a part of the North Saskatchewan River basin in the Metis homeland.

We gather with gratitude for their stewardship of this land, and we acknowledge that we too are treaty people, called to live with respect in Creation as we undertake our responsibilities as members of Treaty Six.





Come, O Come Emmanuel and be born in us today.

Come and break open our hearts once more.

Come, O people of God,

and let love extend to the heavens.

With the Christ, heaven is found right here!



Holy God, creator of all things,

stir us with the wonder of this season of light.

Create in us a new desire for truth and justice.

Encourage us to live into the gifts you give in your Spirit.  Amen.


HYMN #82 More Voices “Bathe Me in Your Light”

               Bathe me in your light, O God of All, Creator;

Let it shine upon my soul with healing and with grace.

Be to me a beacon bright through shadows of life’s wounding,

Showing me the way to live in faith, in your embrace.

               Bathe me in your love, O Source of Awe and Wonder;

Help me walk the sacred path of harmony and peace.

May I be attentive to the musings of your presence,

Drinking from the well of hope that brings the heart release.

               Bathe me in your grace, O One of Spirit’s longing;

Teach me of your gentle ways that fill the soul with strength.

Guide me on the pilgrimage that leads to truth and wholeness,

Fill me with your promise of a love that knows no length.



Let us greet one another in the name in which we gather, the One who is our peace:

“The peace of Christ be with you”

And also with you.







HYMN #82 Voices United “A Light is Gleaming”

Refrain   A light is gleaming, spreading its arms through-out the night – Living in the light -.

Come share its gladness, God’s radiant love is burning bright, – living in the light.

               When light comes pouring into the darkest place, it hurts our eyes to see the glow.

Sometimes a word of hope reminds us of our fear–s, our memories and tears. Refrain

               When night is round and every shadow grows, a star is there to light our way.

It tells a story of Jesus who comes near to say: “God’s light will ever stay.” Refrain

               And Jesus showed us a brighter path to walk. He showed us things we hadn’t seen.

Now we, like Jesus, can help creation shi–ne, and this will be a sign: Refrain

               So let us live in the brightness God has giv’n, and let us rise to see the dawn.

We trust that God is here a sparkle and a bla–ze, – warming all our days. Refrain



Loving God, you speak to us in so many ways.

Speak to us now through the reading of the scriptures.



Psalm 36 (Refrain p. 762 VU)

Refrain  Your steadfast love, O God, extends to the heavens.


Your steadfast love, O God, extends to the heavens,

your faithfulness reaches to the clouds.

               Your righteousness is like the mountains, O God,

your judgments are like the great deep;

all living things you save.  Refrain

How precious is your steadfast love, O God!

All people may take refuge in the shadow of your wings.

               They feast on the abundance of your house,

and you give them drink from the river of your delights. Refrain

For with you is the fountain of life;

in your light do we see light.

               Continue your steadfast love to those who know you,

and your salvation to the upright in heart.  Refrain

John 2:1-11


SERMON – Reverend Scott Reynolds


HYMN #333 Voices United   “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling”

               Love divine, all loves excelling, joy of heaven to earth come down,

fix in us thy humble dwelling, all thy faithful mercies crown. 

Jesus, thou are all compassion, pure, unbounded love thou art;

visit us with thy salvation, enter every trembling heart.

               Come, almighty to deliver; let us all thy grace receive;

suddenly return, and never, nevermore thy temple leave. 

Thee we would be always blessing, serve thee as thy hosts above,

pray, and praise thee, without ceasing, glory in thy perfect love.

               Finish, then, thy new creation; pure and spotless let us be;

let us see thy great salvation perfectly restored in thee,

changed from glory into glory, till in heaven we take our place,

till we cast our crowns before thee, lost in wonder, love, and praise.




YOUR GENEROSITY MATTERS “Empowering Bold Leadership”


OFFERING RESPONSE HYMN #191 More Voices “What Can I Do?”

What can I do? What can I bring? What can I say? What can I sing?

I’ll sing with joy. I’ll say a prayer. I’ll bring my love. I’ll do my share. [repeat]



God of Gold, Incense and Myrrh, we seek your glory, we offer you our prayers and we cry out to you in our suffering.  Take our gifts and use them, so that all people may know your love.



…we continue to pray with one voice, in the way that Jesus taught, each in the language of our heart:

Our Father,

who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy Name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done,

On earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses,

As we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation,

But deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,

and the power, and the glory, forever and ever.



HYMN #331 Voices United “The Church’s One Foundation” verses 2-5

               Called forth from every nation, yet one o’er all the earth,

one charter of salvation:  one Lord, one faith, one birth.

One holy name professing and at one table fed,

to one hope always pressing, by Christ’s own Spirit led.

               Though with a scornful wonder the world sees us oppressed,

by schisms rent asunder, by heresies distressed,

yet saints their watch are keeping; their cry goes up, “How long?”

But soon the night of weeping shall be the morn of song.

               Mid toil and tribulation, and tumult of our war,

we wait the consummation of peace forevermore;

till with the vision glorious our longing eyes are blest,

and the great church victorious shall be the church at rest.

               We now on earth have union with God the Three in One,

and share through faith communion with those whose rest is won.

Oh, happy ones, and holy! Lord, give us grace that we

like them, the meek and lowly, on high may dwell with thee.







HYMN #30 More Voices “It’s a Song of Praise to the Maker”

               It’s a song of praise to the Maker, the thrush sings high in the tree.

It’s a song of praise to the Maker, the gray whale sings in the sea,

               Refrain And by the Spirit you and I can join our voice to the holy cry and sing, sing, sing to the Maker too.

               It’s a call of life to the Giver when waves and waterfalls roar.

It’s a call of life to the Giver when high tides break on the shore, Refrain

               It’s a hymn of love to the Lover; the bumblebees hum along.

It’s a hymn of love to the Lover; the summer breeze joins the song,  Refrain

               It’s the chorus of all creation; it’s sung by all living things.

It’s the chorus of all creation; a song the universe sings, Refrain


This service of worship was initially prepared by Together We Worship and has been revised to fit practices of Wetaskiwin First United Church. Thanks to Rev. Scott Reynolds, Chinook Winds and Pacific Mountain Regions, based in Red Deer, AB.

First United Church, Wetaskiwin – January 12, 2025
God calls us to create a community of faith where all are welcome and encouraged to participate fully: no matter where you’re from, when you were born, however you self-identify, whom you love,
or what you believe.
This service was live-streamed to You-Tube beginning with announcements at 10:20 am and worship at 10:30 am, Sunday January 12, 2025. Link is provided below.



First United Church is grounded on the traditional lands of the Nehiyawewin, people of the Sundance Culture in the Battle River watershed, which is a part of the North Saskatchewan River basin in the Metis homeland.

We gather with gratitude for their stewardship of this land, and we acknowledge that we too are treaty people, called to live with respect in Creation as we undertake our responsibilities as members of Treaty Six.




CALL TO WORSHIP ~~inspired by Psalm 29

God of glory and strength,

God of holy splendor and majesty.

God of the waters, God of the cedars, God of the wilderness.

God in our living and loving,

God in our working and struggling,

God in joy and pain, troubles and longings, in beginnings and endings, and in homecomings.

God is with us, even now, as we cry out with our ancestors in faith:

May God give strength to God’s people!

May God bless God’s people with peace!

Come, let us worship God.




HYMN #82 More Voices “Bathe Me in Your Light”

               Bathe me in your light, O God of All, Creator;

Let it shine upon my soul with healing and with grace.

Be to me a beacon bright through shadows of life’s wounding,

Showing me the way to live in faith, in your embrace.

               Bathe me in your love, O Source of Awe and Wonder;

Help me walk the sacred path of harmony and peace.

May I be attentive to the musings of your presence,

Drinking from the well of hope that brings the heart release.

               Bathe me in your grace, O One of Spirit’s longing;

Teach me of your gentle ways that fill the soul with strength.

Guide me on the pilgrimage that leads to truth and wholeness,

Fill me with your promise of a love that knows no length.



Let us greet one another in the name in which we gather, the One who is our peace:

“The peace of Christ be with you”

And also with you.






HYMN #161 More Voices “I Have Called You by Your Name”

I have called you by your name, you are mine; I have gifted you and ask you now to shine.

I will not abandon you; all my promises are true. You are gifted, called, and chosen; you are mine.

I will help you learn my name as you go; read it written in my people, help them grow.

Pour the water in my name, speak the word your soul can claim, offer Jesus’ body given long ago.

I know you will need my touch as you go; feel it pulsing in creation’s ebb and flow.

Like the woman reaching out, choosing faith in spite of doubt, hold the hem of Jesus’ robe,

Then let it go.

I have given you a name, it is mine; I have given you my Spirit as a sign.

With my wonder in your soul, make my wounded children whole;

Go and tell my precious people they are mine.



Loving God, you speak to us in so many ways.

Speak to us now through the reading of the scriptures.



Isaiah 43:1-2, 5-7

Luke 3:15-17, 21-22


This is the trustworthy witness of God’s faithful people through the ages,

The divine word to us today. Amen.


SERMON – Reverend Chelsea Masterman


HYMN #382 Voices United “Breathe on Me, Breath of God”

               Breathe on me, breath of God, fill me with life anew,

That I may love what thou dost love, and do what thou wouldst do.

               Breathe on me, breath of God, until my heart is pure,

Until my will is one with thine, to do and to endure.

               Breath one me, breath of God, till I am wholly thine,

Until this earthly part of me glows with thy fire divine.

               Breathe on me, breath of God, so shall I never die,

But live with thee the perfect life of thine eternity.




OFFERING RESPONSE HYMN #191 More Voices “What Can I Do?”

What can I do? What can I bring? What can I say? What can I sing?

I’ll sing with joy. I’ll say a prayer. I’ll bring my love. I’ll do my share. [repeat]




HYMN #375 Voices United “Spirit, Spirit of Gentleness”

Refrain   Spirit, Spirit of Gentleness, blow through the wilderness, calling and free;

Spirit, Spirit of restlessness, stir me from placidness, wind, wind on the sea.

               You moved on the waters, you called to the deep,

Then you coaxed up the mountains from the valleys of sleep;

And over the eons you called to each thing:

— wake from your slumbers and rise on your wings. Refrain

               You swept through the desert, you stung with the sand,

And you goaded your people with a law and land;

And when they were blinded with their idols and lies,

Then you spoke thro’ your prophets to open their eyes. Refrain

               You sang in a stable, you cried from a hill.

Then you whispered in silence when the whole was still;

And down in the city, you called once again,

When you blew through your people on the rush of the wind. Refrain

               You call from tomorrow, you break ancient schemes;

From the bondage of sorrow the captives dream dreams,

Our women see visions, our men clear their eyes,

with bold new decisions your people arise. Refrain



…we sing our prayer:

               HYMN #86 More Voices “Give Peace To Ev’ry Heart”

Give peace to ev’ry heart.  Give peace to ev’ry heart.

Give peace, Lord.  Give peace, Lord.

We gather these and all our prayers together, in the prayer that Jesus taught us saying, each in the language of our hearts:

Our Father,

who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy Name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done,

On earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses,

As we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation,

But deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,

and the power, and the glory, forever and ever.



HYMN #30 More Voices “It’s a Song of Praise to the Maker”

               It’s a song of praise to the Maker, the thrush sings high in the tree.

It’s a song of praise to the Maker, the gray whale sings in the sea,

               Refrain And by the Spirit you and I can join our voice to the holy cry and sing, sing, sing to the Maker too.

               It’s a call of life to the Giver when waves and waterfalls roar.

It’s a call of life to the Giver when high tides break on the shore, Refrain

               It’s a hymn of love to the Lover; the bumblebees hum along.

It’s a hymn of love to the Lover; the summer breeze joins the song,  Refrain

               It’s the chorus of all creation; it’s sung by all living things.

It’s the chorus of all creation; a song the universe sings, Refrain




SENDING FORTH ~~based on Psalm 29:11

Beloved children of God, let us go forth, assured of our home in God.

Let us go forth, renewed and renewing, transformed and transforming.

As we go, may the love of God be with us, and shine through us.

May the peace of Christ be in us, and work among us.

May the Holy Spirit rest upon us, empowering us to love with courage and grace. May God give strength to God’s people!

May God bless God’s people with peace!

Go in peace.  Amen.


This service of worship was initially prepared by Together We Worship and has been revised to fit practices of Wetaskiwin First United Church. Thanks to Rev. Chelsea Masterman, Grace United, Edmonton, AB for the Sermon and the Liturgy.

First United Church, Wetaskiwin – January 5, 2025
God calls us to create a community of faith where all are welcome and encouraged to participate fully: no matter where you’re from, when you were born, however you self-identify, whom you love,
or what you believe.
This service was live-streamed to You-Tube beginning with announcements at 10:20 am and worship at 10:30 am. Link is provided below.

First United Church is grounded on the traditional lands of the Nehiyawewin, people of the Sundance Culture in the Battle River watershed, which is a part of the North Saskatchewan River basin in the Metis homeland.

We gather with gratitude for their stewardship of this land, and we acknowledge that we too are treaty people, called to live with respect in Creation as we undertake our responsibilities as members of Treaty Six.




CALL TO WORSHIP ~~adapted portions of Jeremiah 31:7-14


The Lord proclaims

Sing joyfully for the people of Jacob;

Shout for the leading nation

The Lord has saved his people”

Listen to the Lord’s word, you nations and announce it to the distant islands:

The Lord will rescue the people of Jacob and deliver them

from the power of those stronger than they are

They will come shouting for joy on the hills of Zion

Jubilant over the Lord’s gifts

The young women will dance for joy

The young and old men will join in

I will turn their mourning into laughter

And their sadness into joy; I will comfort them

and shower my people with my gifts.  And so, let us worship the Lord

with our gratitude and thanksgiving.




HYMN #82 More Voices “Bathe Me in Your Light”

               Bathe me in your light, O God of All, Creator;

Let it shine upon my soul with healing and with grace.

Be to me a beacon bright through shadows of life’s wounding,

Showing me the way to live in faith, in your embrace.

               Bathe me in your love, O Source of Awe and Wonder;

Help me walk the sacred path of harmony and peace.

May I be attentive to the musings of your presence,

Drinking from the well of hope that brings the heart release.

               Bathe me in your grace, O One of Spirit’s longing;

Teach me of your gentle ways that fill the soul with strength.

Guide me on the pilgrimage that leads to truth and wholeness,

Fill me with your promise of a love that knows no length.



Let us greet one another in the name in which we gather, the One who is our peace:

“The peace of Christ be with you”

And also with you.




HYMN #575 Voices United   “I’m Gonna Live So God Can Use Me”

I’m gonna live so God can use me anywhere, Lord, anytime! (Repeat)

I’m gonna work so God can use me anywhere, Lord, anytime! (Repeat)

I’m gonna pray so God can use me anywhere, Lord, anytime! (Repeat)

I’m gonna sing so God can use me anywhere, Lord, anytime! (Repeat)


VIDEO ~~ Rev. Tori Mullen




Psalm 147:12-20 (Refrain p. 868 VU) Part Two

Refrain  Sing to God in great thanksgiving.


Hallelujah, O Jerusalem!

               Zion, praise your God. 

For God has strengthened the bars of your gates,

and blessed your children within you.

               God has established peace within your borders,

               and filled you with the finest wheat.  Refrain

You send your word to the earth, O God;

your command runs swiftly.

               You give snow like wool,

and sprinkle hoar-frost like ashes. 

You scatter hailstones like bread-crumbs;

you send the cold, and the waters stand frozen.

               You utter your word and the ice melts;

you blow with your wind and the waters flow.

You make known your word to Jacob,

your statutes and decrees to Israel.

You have not done this for any other nation,

nor have you taught them your laws.  Refrain


John 1:1-18


SERMON – Reverend Bethany Benz-Whittington


HYMN #563 Voices United   “Jesus, You have Come to the Lakeshore”

               Jesus, you have come to the lakeshore

looking neither for wealthy nor wise ones;

you only asked me to follow humbly.

Refrain O Jesus, with your eyes you have searched me,

and while smiling, have spoken my name;

now my boat’s left on the shoreline behind me,

by your side I will seek other seas.

               You know so well my possessions;

my boat carries no gold and no weapons;

you will find there my nets and labour. Refrain

               You need my hands, full of caring

through my labours to give others rest,

and constant love that keeps on loving. Refrain

               You, who have fished other oceans,

ever longed for by souls who are waiting,

my loving friend, as thus you call me. Refrain




OFFERING RESPONSE HYMN #191 More Voices “What Can I Do?”

What can I do? What can I bring? What can I say? What can I sing?

I’ll sing with joy. I’ll say a prayer. I’ll bring my love. I’ll do my share. [repeat]



Generous God, we share these gifts in order to make the world a better place, whether in our communities, country or around the world.

May they be used in meaningful ways for the common good of all.  Thank you and Amen.



…pray together saying, each in the language of our hearts:

Our Father,

who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy Name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done,

On earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses,

As we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation,

But deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,

and the power, and the glory, forever and ever.



HYMN #87 Voices United   “I am the Light of the World”

Refrain   I am the light of the world!

You people come and follow me!

If you follow and love, you’ll learn the mystery

of what you were meant to do and be.

               When the song of the angels is stilled,

when the star in the sky is gone,

when the kings and the shepherds have found their way home,

the work of Christmas is begun: Refrain

               To find the lost and lonely one,

to heal the broken soul with love,

to feed the hungry children with warmth and good food,

to feel the earth below, the sky above! Refrain

               To free the prisoner from all chains,

to make the powerful care,

to rebuild the nations with strength of good will,

to see God’s children everywhere! Refrain

               To bring hope to every task you do,

to dance at a baby’s new birth,

to make music in an old person’s heart,

and sing to the colours of the earth! Refrain





This day, the Spirit of God waits on the threshold of our experience,

Waits to be embodied as always, in responsive human lives.

So, let us renew our commitment to be the vehicles of that Spirit,

And let us go forth with joy, to set that Spirit free in our daily living.



ON THE WAY HYMN #30 More Voices “It’s a Song of Praise to the Maker”

               It’s a song of praise to the Maker, the thrush sings high in the tree.

It’s a song of praise to the Maker, the gray whale sings in the sea,

               Refrain And by the Spirit you and I can join our voice to the holy cry and sing, sing, sing to the Maker too.

               It’s a call of life to the Giver when waves and waterfalls roar.

It’s a call of life to the Giver when high tides break on the shore, Refrain

               It’s a hymn of love to the Lover; the bumblebees hum along.

It’s a hymn of love to the Lover; the summer breeze joins the song,  Refrain

               It’s the chorus of all creation; it’s sung by all living things.

It’s the chorus of all creation; a song the universe sings, Refrain


This service of worship was initially prepared by Together We Worship and has been revised to fit practices of Wetaskiwin First United Church. Thanks to Rev. Bethany Benz-Whittington, Maryville, TN for the Sermon, Brenda Watt, Together We Worship, Calgary, AB for the Liturgy.

First United Church, Wetaskiwin – December 29, 2024
God calls us to create a community of faith where all are welcome and encouraged to participate fully: no matter where you’re from, when you were born, however you self-identify, whom you love,
or what you believe.
This service was live-streamed to You-Tube beginning with announcements at 10:20 am and worship at 10:30 am,  Sunday, December 8, 2024. Link is provided below. 

First United Church is grounded on the traditional lands of the Nehiyawewin, people of the Sundance Culture in the Battle River watershed, which is a part of the North Saskatchewan River basin in the Metis homeland.

We gather with gratitude for their stewardship of this land, and we acknowledge that we too are treaty people, called to live with respect in Creation as we undertake our responsibilities as members of Treaty Six.




HYMN #82 More Voices “Bathe Me in Your Light”

               Bathe me in your light, O God of All, Creator;

Let it shine upon my soul with healing and with grace.

Be to me a beacon bright through shadows of life’s wounding,

Showing me the way to live in faith, in your embrace.

               Bathe me in your love, O Source of Awe and Wonder;

Help me walk the sacred path of harmony and peace.

May I be attentive to the musings of your presence,

Drinking from the well of hope that brings the heart release.

               Bathe me in your grace, O One of Spirit’s longing;

Teach me of your gentle ways that fill the soul with strength.

Guide me on the pilgrimage that leads to truth and wholeness,

Fill me with your promise of a love that knows no length.


CALL TO WORSHIP ~~ Psalm 148

Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord from the heavens!

Praise the Lord from the heights!

Praise God all creation!

Let everything God has made offer praise!

Let us turn our hearts to the One who has turned toward us!

Come, let us worship the Lord!



Please pray with me…

God with us, we praise you for the gift of this day, and the wondrous promises of this season. We thank you that in the Christ child, you have overcome the barrier between heaven and earth, and in the cries of a baby you have established your promise for that day when all things will be one. As we enter worship this morning, fill us with all your hope, peace, joy, and love, that we might know you better, and make you better known in this world. Through Christ we pray. Amen.


HYMN #59 Voices UnitedJoy to the World”

Joy to the world! the Lord is come:  let earth receive her King!

Let every heart prepare him room, and heaven and nature sing, and heaven and nature sing,

And heaven, and heaven and nature sing.

               Joy to the earth! the Saviour reigns:  let all their songs employ,

While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains repeat the sounding joy, repeat the sounding joy,

Repeat, repeat the sounding joy.

               No more let sins and sorrows grow, nor thorns infest the ground:

He comes to make his blessings flow far as the curse is found, far as the curse is found,

Far as, far as the curse is found.

               He rules the earth with truth and grace, and makes the nations prove

The glories of his righteousness and wonders of his love, and wonders of his love,

And wonders, wonders of his love.



Let us greet one another in the name in which we gather, the One who is our peace:

“The peace of Christ be with you”

And also with you.



As we gather ourselves together once again, let us prepare to continue our worship. Please join together and pray with one heart and mind…

God of mercy, in this season we are especially aware of just how far you will go to be with us and for us, the lengths to which you will go to draw us into your dream for all things and to build with and among us a world that teems with love and justice and righteousness.

We have celebrated the wonder of your coming, the incredible hope of your eternal word, the Word of Life, made flesh to life among us. And yet, we are so quick to turn from that hope. We have not loved you and the things you love with our whole hearts. We have turned a blind eye to injustice, and even carelessly perpetuated it. We have not loved our neighbours—human and non-human—as you have called us to.

Forgive us, we pray. In the name of Jesus, our judge and our hope. Amen.


DISCOVERY CIRCLE ~~ “Praying Like Jesus”


HYMN #69 Voices United “Away in a Manger”

               Away in a manger, no crib for a bed.

The little lord Jesus lay down his sweet head.

The stars in the bright sky, look down where he lay,

The little Lord Jesus, asleep on the hay.

               The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes,

But little Lord Jesus, no crying he makes.

I love you Lord Jesus look down from the sky,

and stay by my side until morning is nigh.

               Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask you to stay close

by me for ever, and love me, I pray.

Bless all the dear children in your tender care,

and fit us for heaven, to live with you there.



Loving God, you speak to us in so many ways.

Speak to us now through the reading of the scriptures.


Psalm 148 (Refrain p. 871 VU)

Refrain  Let the whole creation cry, “Glory be to God on high.”


Praise God from the heavens; give praise in the heights!

Give praise, all you angels; praise God, all you hosts!

               Praise God, sun and moon; give praise, stars and lights!

Praise God, farthest heavens, and all waters beyond heaven!  Refrain

Let all things praise the Holy One at whose command they were created,

who established them for all time, setting bounds, which cannot be passed.

               Praise God from the earth, great sea creatures and ocean depths,

lightning and hail, snow and frost, gales that obey God’s decree,

all mountains and hills, all fruit trees and cedars,

wild animals and cattle, creatures winged and earth-bound,

               sovereigns who rule earth and its people,

all who govern and judge this world,

young men and women alike, old people and children together! Refrain

Let all things praise the name of God,

the name above every other, whose splendour covers heaven and earth.

               You give strength to your people,

songs of praise to your faithful,

to Israel, the people dear to your heart. Refrain


Colossians 3:12-17


Bless to our understanding these living words of our faith. Amen.


SERMON – Reverend Matthew Heesing


HYMN #38 Voices United  “Angels we have heard on High”

Angels we have heard on high, sweetly singing o’er the plain.

And the mountains in reply, echoing their joyous strains.

               Gloooooria In Excelsis Deo!

               Gloooooria In Excelsis Deo!

Shepherds why this jubilee? Why your joyous strains prolong?

What the gladsome tidings be which inspire your heavenly song?

               Gloooooria In Excelsis Deo!

               Gloooooria In Excelsis Deo!

Come to Bethlehem and see Christ whose birth the angels sing;

Come, adore on bended knee Christ, the Lord, the newborn king.

               Gloooooria In Excelsis Deo!

               Gloooooria In Excelsis Deo!

See him in a manger laid, who the choirs of angels praise;

Mary, Joseph, lend your aid, while our hearts in love we raise.

               Gloooooria In Excelsis Deo!

               Gloooooria In Excelsis Deo!





…Holy God…we thank you


…we pray together as Jesus taught us, each in the language of their hearts:

Our Father,

who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy Name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done,

On earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses,

As we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation,

But deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,

and the power, and the glory, forever and ever.



HYMN #169 More Voices “When Hands Reach Out Beyond Divides”

               When hands reach out beyond divides and hope is truly found,

each chain of hate will fall away and bells of peace shall sound,

and bells of peace, of peace shall sound, and bells of peace shall sound,

each chain of hate will fall away and bells of peace shall sound.

               When fear no longer guides our steps and days of war are done,

God’s dream for all shall live anew; our hearts will heal as one,

our hearts will heal, will heal as one, our hearts will heal as one,

God’s dream for all shall live anew; our hearts will heal as one.

               When race and creed blind us no more, a neighbour’s face we’ll see,

and we shall dance the whole world round, for love will set us free,

for love, yes love will set us free, for love will set us free,

and we shall dance the whole world round, for love will set us free.



Whatever this day and season hold for us,

may we know the God who has drawn near, who goes with us in every step, and whose deep desire is to lead us in the way of life.

Go into the world with the blessing of God: Creator, Christ and Spirit.



HYMN #30 More Voices “It’s a Song of Praise to the Maker”

               It’s a song of praise to the Maker, the thrush sings high in the tree.

It’s a song of praise to the Maker, the gray whale sings in the sea,

               Refrain And by the Spirit you and I can join our voice to the holy cry and sing, sing, sing to the Maker too.

               It’s a call of life to the Giver when waves and waterfalls roar.

It’s a call of life to the Giver when high tides break on the shore, Refrain

               It’s a hymn of love to the Lover; the bumblebees hum along.

It’s a hymn of love to the Lover; the summer breeze joins the song,  Refrain

               It’s the chorus of all creation; it’s sung by all living things.

It’s the chorus of all creation; a song the universe sings, Refrain


This service of worship was initially prepared by Together We Worship and has been revised to fit practices of Wetaskiwin First United Church. Thanks to Rev. Matthew Heesing, St. Andrew’s United, Cochrane for the Sermon, Rev. Aaron Miller, University Hill United, Vancouver, BC for the Liturgy.